Friday, September 14, 2018

The art of LET IT GO(LIG)

Expectation of compulsory result burdens the mind. 'LIG' is like a relaxation point while you are taking the journey called life. The movement or journey of life, and relaxation both are equally important. Most of us don't have balance between these two. That might be the root cause of all our sorrow. Unfortunately we are either inclined towards working hard or being lazy. 'LIG' is like servicing and refueling a vehicle. 'LIG' is not a formula, rather, we need to understand the meaning in depth behind that phrase. We generally use 'LIG', to escape from facing the facts.
Suppose there is sorrow in your life, you can say 'LIG' for a moment, after regaining your energy back you must see your sorrow more clearly. Also, during the period of 'LIG' if you are still thinking about the problem then,  it has no meaning. To see clearly you require energy, and that energy you can gather through 'LIG'. If you take shelter in 'LIG', then it becomes another cause of your sorrow.

If we move a little further, the journey of life itself can be full of relaxation where our work and passion meet. That is why it is very important in case of a child to find out what they are passionate about. The parent who gets caught in the vicious circle of social respectability, forces his children to learn something in which they have no interest at all. With such a kind of pressure how can we expect a bright future for a child? That force on child destroys peace of parent, child, teacher and society. When such a force is in action, education has no meaning at all; it can only produce more mechanized human beings without any sense of appreciation for beauty. The primary purpose of education is to bring about a child as a holistic human being, who has love and compassion for all the things on earth. 'LIG' must be a natural phenomenon, it cannot be like you do 'LIG', and  wait for some result.

We can equally enjoy the relaxation, peace of mind of our fellow human being as much as our own. It is equally beneficial too, a self centered mind can not be relaxed in it's true sense of that word. The mind which is full of becoming, becoming, becoming can not enjoy blissfulness of being. This blissfulness doesn't exclude action, rather it is full of action completely free from conflict.

Few best books I recommend, please click on below links if you wish to purchase:

Freedom from the known
In search of silence
Beauty of Being

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