Sunday, October 28, 2018


What is transformation, psychologically? Thought always pushing us to become, to achieve, to find a secure place. From this constant effort confusion takes birth, and out of this confusion you act, or you don't act. Our education doesn't informed you that when you act out of confusion, that action produces further confusion. We act more fanatically, to clear confusion but the result will be exactly opposite. To clear this dark cloud of confusion, you must show courage to stay with it. It is very interesting to observe in yourself, that when you are in confusion you try everything else except staying with that confusion. Staying with it means neither you accepted it nor you are desiring the ending of confusion rather you are witnessing that very confusion with attention. Only in this silent witnessing you can go beyond the word confusion, and see what it really is.

It is interesting to observe, transformation begins when you slow down inwardly. Transformation is not something mystical, rather rational observation of what is happening inside, and ending of psychological aspects like fear, desire, loneliness, jealousy, greed, dependency..etc. Difficulty is that you need to observe without any desire to end something. That observation without judgement ends the thing, not your effort to end it. Another interesting thing is when you know, how you are going to transform, it is no more transformation. When you transform it's completely new state of being for you as well. So you can not recognize it, you might feel freshness which comes with that newness. when you transform you are a new being, mind entering into new and unknown state is transformation. It can only happen when there is freedom from the past.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Behind sexual perversion

No one can deny that a woman has to live with the same sense of freedom and happiness as we do, because social harmony and peace is interrelated with each and every one’s happiness in life. I know that most of you have respect for woman, but the present situation in India demands more open discussions and a little more energy from your side. There are many complexities that we need to resolve, behind this cruel action called “RAPE” or "sexual abuse". Without resolving them, if we make stringent laws, we are acting only on the peripheral of the issue. However, the centre from which this action springs up still remains the same. Laws are necessary, but they are not enough. In a physical relationship, the man and woman both should have a mutual agreement. Any action without that agreement proves that one is no more a MAN. We need to include this small fact in our education system.

A physical relationship is a sacred thing through which creation happens, looking at it in a vulgar sense is a sin. Having an affair seems to be a heroic action, but sex is just a part of life, not all of it. We must learn how to get energy out of it, and soon die to that pleasure, instead of feeding it to our memory. If we don’t die to that memory, it is used by thought and turns your life into a mess. Few of the issues behind this cruelty seem to be

1. Female foeticide – Because of this, the ratio of the girls to boys is reducing, and more men are left with wild unfulfilled desires, turning them into wild animals.

2. No sex education – When we don’t teach a child about sex as a part of nature and how to involve in it in a dignified manner, vulgarity creeps into the mind. Forget about the child, can you and I talk about sex in a dignified manner, without any vulgar thoughts or jokes creeping into our conversation?

3. Entertainment – In the entertainment industry, women are mostly objectified. Within the industry women may get paid well and may get good respect. But because of the way they portray women in public, the common man is looking at women as sex objects or glamour dolls. Indecent jokes about sexual organs have become a trend because of our movies today.

4. Not understanding the fact that there is no problem with desire, but the problem is with either suppression or the craving for it.

“I call him empty who has no love, and for him sex becomes a problem, an issue, a thing to be avoided or to be indulged.”
– Jiddu Krishnamurti

Monday, October 8, 2018

The cunning nature of thought

He lost something, and he is happy without any limits a sense of pure joy pervading his mind. Important thing is there is no effort inside to keep that "state of joyfulness" permanent. The mind has no desire to live in that state for the rest of life. Only thing he can see is, he lost something NOT accumulated. He don’t want to analyze it further, he don’t want to keep it. That tranquility, that sense of pure joy is always there on the corner. The obstacles between you and that pure joy is your desire to grab it, formulate it so that you can come to it whenever you want, your desire to control it, your effort to possess it these are real obstacles. You have enjoyed possessing material things, now you want to apply same here as well. This constant effort and struggle to live in that blissful state permanently, makes life miserable.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

It's just request, you are not going for war

He entered into the bus, the seats were divided into two columns. There were four seats in a row, and a gap in the middle of each pair of seats. After going forward inside the bus, there was a window seat vacant but the seat next to it was full. Just behind that, the window seat was occupied and the other one is empty. He took that seat, and settled down and bus moved ahead. After some time, he felt uncomfortable as there is direct A/C wind coming onto his face. He wants to move and sit in the front window seat which is empty. He wants to move, but in the back of his mind thought is preventing him to take action. Don't just give all importance to example, it is just to make your understanding easy the scenarios are innumerable.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Why she said negative?

She was listening to a folk song about life. The essence of the song was to say, nothing is permanent in life so live like a guest on this planet. The message has truth in it, she said listen to this song how good it is. He asked her a question, what is the use of listening to this? She said we must listen whenever someone tells something good. He said what is the use, right after completion of that song if we are back in our daily routine? When we don’t give serious thought about it, what is the use of listening? Is it listening at all? She said you are always negative, that is the reason no one likes your books. Of course she told him humorously. He has given serious thought about it, these are his findings.

The Catalyst Launch

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