Best book on education: Education-and-the-Significance-of-life
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The whole purpose of education, or the function of a teacher or parent is to show a child the dangers involved in psychological dependency. In the tender age, we may instruct them. I think we must be serious, if we really love our children. What I mean by seriousness, is constantly we must learn together along with the child. Suppose we are trying to teach a child about good and bad behavior, first we must observe our own life and see can we change in few things where change is required. In that way we will be clear about what really involves, to bring change in oneself. For example, the man who wants recognition for his change, is not really changed. You saw something wrong, which is damaging your life and you changed, so the change must be for it's own sake, not to impress others.
The words of a man who is leading a orderly life are much more affective, than a person who merely talks for his own pleasure. So before teaching your child about inward strength and happiness, can you lead such a life. The psychological dependency, when life throws problems at us is real cause of sorrow. If you love your child, try to understand how to face problems of life without any outward dependency. There is great beauty, when you don't depend psychologically. You may depend on a carpenter that is different, we are talking about psychological dependency. In some situations you may ask for help from your friend that is not dependency, but if you are suffering or feeling happy based on your friend's denial or acceptance then it is dependency.
In our day to day life, we are struck in psychological dependency. We depend on gurus, leaders, analysts, whom we think wise, sacred books, ideologies, astrology, rituals, theories to tell us what is correct and what is wrong in life. If we go little deeper, our own conclusions, opinions, beliefs, knowledge about life is also a bondage. This dependency on outside authority to understand our own life which is in our hands, is the most miserable thing. This dependency is the root of all corruption. You are not dependent, doesn't mean that you are arrogant, rather you are just a light to yourself. Only a man who is free from the crutches of dependency, can really love another human being.
Moment to moment learning out of sensitive observation is required, to not to depend on outside authority. In this kind of learning, there is no accumulation of knowledge about life. The accumulation in the form of opinions, beliefs, tradition is what constructs ego. Ego invites suffering into life.
Instead of telling your child what is correct or what to think, the negative approach works perfectly. For example earlier we have seen, changing ourselves to impress others is not a change. So by negating what is not correct, we come to the positive. Where as if we start positive(by making rules), we may end up negative. To find out what is love, the only approach is to see what it is not. In this negative approach, you stumble upon something unknown. If you have an idea of what is love, and you try to inquire, it is no more inquiry at all.
Slowly the child must crack the different complexities of life like fear, loneliness, running after pleasure, depression, relationship, love, time, death and come out of them victoriously. Once this ground is set, the child can approach education or any other issue in life with a sense of freedom. Only in freedom the child can make relationship with people or subjects that they have to pass. Once this relationship out of love established, struggle and effort are not required.
Best book on education: Education-and-the-Significance-of-life by Jiddu Krishnamurti
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List of schools by K :
The whole purpose of education, or the function of a teacher or parent is to show a child the dangers involved in psychological dependency. In the tender age, we may instruct them. I think we must be serious, if we really love our children. What I mean by seriousness, is constantly we must learn together along with the child. Suppose we are trying to teach a child about good and bad behavior, first we must observe our own life and see can we change in few things where change is required. In that way we will be clear about what really involves, to bring change in oneself. For example, the man who wants recognition for his change, is not really changed. You saw something wrong, which is damaging your life and you changed, so the change must be for it's own sake, not to impress others.
The words of a man who is leading a orderly life are much more affective, than a person who merely talks for his own pleasure. So before teaching your child about inward strength and happiness, can you lead such a life. The psychological dependency, when life throws problems at us is real cause of sorrow. If you love your child, try to understand how to face problems of life without any outward dependency. There is great beauty, when you don't depend psychologically. You may depend on a carpenter that is different, we are talking about psychological dependency. In some situations you may ask for help from your friend that is not dependency, but if you are suffering or feeling happy based on your friend's denial or acceptance then it is dependency.
In our day to day life, we are struck in psychological dependency. We depend on gurus, leaders, analysts, whom we think wise, sacred books, ideologies, astrology, rituals, theories to tell us what is correct and what is wrong in life. If we go little deeper, our own conclusions, opinions, beliefs, knowledge about life is also a bondage. This dependency on outside authority to understand our own life which is in our hands, is the most miserable thing. This dependency is the root of all corruption. You are not dependent, doesn't mean that you are arrogant, rather you are just a light to yourself. Only a man who is free from the crutches of dependency, can really love another human being.
Moment to moment learning out of sensitive observation is required, to not to depend on outside authority. In this kind of learning, there is no accumulation of knowledge about life. The accumulation in the form of opinions, beliefs, tradition is what constructs ego. Ego invites suffering into life.
Instead of telling your child what is correct or what to think, the negative approach works perfectly. For example earlier we have seen, changing ourselves to impress others is not a change. So by negating what is not correct, we come to the positive. Where as if we start positive(by making rules), we may end up negative. To find out what is love, the only approach is to see what it is not. In this negative approach, you stumble upon something unknown. If you have an idea of what is love, and you try to inquire, it is no more inquiry at all.
Slowly the child must crack the different complexities of life like fear, loneliness, running after pleasure, depression, relationship, love, time, death and come out of them victoriously. Once this ground is set, the child can approach education or any other issue in life with a sense of freedom. Only in freedom the child can make relationship with people or subjects that they have to pass. Once this relationship out of love established, struggle and effort are not required.
Best book on education: Education-and-the-Significance-of-life by Jiddu Krishnamurti
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